<% response.title %>

<% story.skin $Story#restore %>

<% gettext Title suffix=: %>
<% story.input title class="formTitle" %>

<% gettext Text suffix=: %>
<% story.textarea text cols="30" rows="15" class="formText" %>

<% gettext "Tags (separated by commas):" %>
<% story.input tags class=formText %>

<% gettext Options %>

<% gettext "The story is {0} and {1}" <% story.select status %> <% story.select mode %> %>

<% gettext "Comments of the story are {0}" <% story.select commentMode %> %>

<% if <% story.creator %> is null then "" else <% gettext "Created by {0} on {1}" <% story.creator %> <% story.created %> %> %> <% if <% story.created %> is <% story.modified %> then "" else <% gettext "Last modified by {0} on {1}" <% story.modifier %> <% story.modified %> prefix="
" %> %>

<% gettext Cancel %>

<% list macros %>