About Antville.org 🐜
Samstag, 14. Februar 2009

Today is moving day

As already announced, today Antville.org is being relocated to a new server to become more stable and reliable. (Fingers crossed!)

Thus, please anticipate Antville.org not being reachable for at least 2 hours starting today at 18:00 CET.

Moreover, in the aftermath of the moving it is very likely that your browser still will point to the obsolete address of Elise instead of the correct one of the new server called Minnegard.

This is due to the very nature of the Internet and its Domain Name System (its "phone book" so to speak) which needs to be updated with Antville.org's new number in a thousand different places... (Just try to imagine an updated issue of the phone book needs to be delievered to every household, and you are pretty close to the real circumstances.)

Anyway, by beginning of next week everything concerning Antville.org should be set to normal operation again – well, presumably even better!

Thanks for your understanding.

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